Fidelis Care Chief Medical Officer Dr. Vincent Marchello presented a $20,000 maternal health grant to Life of Hope in Brooklyn. The funding is one of nine grants awarded to community-based not-for-profit organizations that support maternal health and wellness across New York State. The grants, totaling $158,000, will assist these organizations that play a vital role in ensuring safe pregnancies and healthy babies – particularly for underserved, lower-income women and their families.   “Fidelis Care is pleased to recognize the work of Life of">   Fidelis Care Chief Medical Officer Dr. Vincent Marchello presented a $20,000 maternal health grant to Life of Hope in Brooklyn. The funding is one of nine grants awarded to community-based not-for-profit organizations that support maternal health and wellness across New York State. The grants, totaling $158,000, will assist these organizations that play a vital role in ensuring safe pregnancies and healthy babies – particularly for underserved, lower-income women and their families.   “Fidelis Care is pleased to recognize the work of Life of">
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Fidelis Care Presents Life of Hope with $20,000 Maternal Health Grant
13.03.2024 • Posted by Fidelis Care in In The Community, Social Determinants of Health, Women's Health


Fidelis Care Chief Medical Officer Dr. Vincent Marchello presented a $20,000 maternal health grant to Life of Hope in Brooklyn. The funding is one of nine grants awarded to community-based not-for-profit organizations that support maternal health and wellness across New York State. The grants, totaling $158,000, will assist these organizations that play a vital role in ensuring safe pregnancies and healthy babies – particularly for underserved, lower-income women and their families.


“Fidelis Care is pleased to recognize the work of Life of Hope with this maternal health grant,” Dr. Marchello said. “Through our partnership and shared commitment, these funds are critical to ensure quality access to maternal care and education, which is fundamental for promoting healthier pregnancies, reducing risks, and improving outcomes for mothers and infants. I am impressed by what the Life of Hope team does to improve accessibility and inclusivity of care, especially for the community’s most vulnerable.”


Life of Hope in Brooklyn is a nonprofit organization that provides health and wellness offerings to the youth and immigrant populations, including a hub for pregnant and postpartum women. The Fidelis Care grant will allow Life of Hope to provide an extra layer of targeted support to mothers with high-risk medical conditions.


“We are so proud to partner with Fidelis Care to expand our birth equity program to provide support services for expectant mothers who face health challenges and need a higher level of care,” Life of Hope Deputy Director Dr. Christina Pardo said. “We see ourselves as the hope in our community. Our birth equity program helps families have safe pregnancies and deliveries through respectful and dignified services, care, and education.”


“Thank you so much for your partnership, Fidelis Care,” Life of Hope Chair and Co-Founder Father Juan Luxama said. “Life of Hope is a center for people who face obstacles like poverty and limited access to healthcare. Together, we are going to help them so that down the road, they can succeed on their own. It is our duty to clear the path for generations to come.”


Click here to learn more about the Fidelis Care maternal health grants and recipient organizations.

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