
Thursday • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Caregiver Support, Children's Health, Health and Wellness
Fidelis Care is encouraging parents and caregivers to schedule well child visits and to keep their children up to date with required immunizations ahead of the 2024-25 school year. To help spread the word, Fidelis Care has partnered statewide with organizations such as the Erie County Department of Health, Fulton County Public Health,  Monroe County Department of Public Health,  Madison County Health Department, the Batavia City School District, Allegany County Department of Health, Monroe County Medical Society, and New York State PTA, among others. Parents and caregivers can take advantage of the time away from school to schedule children’s annual well
Last Week • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Children's Health, Health and Wellness
During the hot summer months, many of us spend time at the beach, lake, or pool. Water safety is important for children and adults. Here are some tips to help you stay safe as you enjoy the water: Always watch children while they are swimming or near water. Never leave children alone near water. A child or weak swimmer can drown in less than a minute. Teach children to always ask before they go in the water. Take swimming lessons. Make sure children have basic swimming skills like treading water and floating. Never swim alone. Swim as close as you
2024/5/7 • Posted by Dr. Lisa Moreno, Pediatrician and Medical Director at Fidelis Care • in Children's Health, Health and Wellness
過敏是最常見的慢性疾病之一。過敏是免疫系統對過敏原發生反應引起的。當過敏患者接觸過敏原時,就會出現過敏症狀。過敏原的接觸途徑包括攝入、觸摸或吸入。 免疫系統嘗試保護您的身體並抵抗過敏原。這可能引起瘙癢和皮疹等症狀。如發生嚴重過敏,可能導致患者呼吸困難、暈厥甚至死亡。
2024/5/6 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Children's Health, Health and Wellness, Mental Health
2024/4/15 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Children's Health, Health and Wellness
人乳頭瘤病毒(HPV)是一種常見的性傳播感染(STI)。據估計,每四個美國人中就有一個人感染HPV。其中,大多數都是一些十幾歲或二十幾歲的病患。許多人感染了HPV卻毫不知情,因為這種疾病通常不會引起任何症狀。但對一些人來說,它會導致嚴重的健康問題,包括某些癌症和生殖器疣。 HPV有什麼症狀? 許多人感染HPV後沒有任何症狀。因此,一定要定期檢查,及早發現任何潛在的問題。如果您對HPV或您正在經歷的任何症狀有所顧慮,請諮詢您的家庭或個人醫生(PCP)。症狀可能有:
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