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Last Week • Posted by Fidelis Care
El Plan Esencial ahora permite que más neoyorquinos accedan a un seguro médico asequible y de alta calidad. Los neoyorquinos cuyos ingresos son hasta el 250 por ciento de la línea federal de pobreza, que representa un ingreso anual de $37,650 para un individuo, ahora pueden ser elegibles para la cobertura del Plan Esencial.
7/10/2024 • Posted by Fidelis Care
CIUDAD DE LONG ISLAND, NY [10 de julio de 2024] – Fidelis Care, un plan de salud con más de 2,4 millones de miembros en todo el Estado de Nueva York y una empresa subsidiaria de propiedad absoluta de Centene Corporation (NYSC: CNC), anunció su compromiso de informar a la población sobre el aumento de la elegibilidad del Plan Esencial.
7/5/2024 • Posted by Fidelis Care
July is Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. This observance, also known as BIPOC Mental Health Month, is named after Moore Campbell for bringing awareness to the mental health needs of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. Erlinda Delacruz, MA, Director of Community Programs for The Jed Foundation (JED), shared insight into the importance of the month and how the organization is working to promote understanding and offer support. Q: Why is it important to recognize Minority Mental Health Awareness Month? A: Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month reminds us to continually learn so
5/1/2024 • Posted by Fidelis Care
LONG ISLAND CITY, NY (May 1, 2024) In observance of Mental Health Awareness Month, Fidelis Care, a statewide health plan with more than 2.4 million members in New York State and a wholly owned subsidiary of Centene Corporation, has opened the application process for its 2024 behavioral health grant program. The grants range from $10,000 to $20,000 each and are aimed at assisting providers and community-based organizations that support behavioral health and wellness, especially in underserved communities. The application is available at fideliscare.org/BH-grants. Deadline to apply is 5 p.m. EDT May 31, 2024.   The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that
1/10/2024 • Posted by Fidelis Care
Fidelis Care, un plan de salud con más de 2.5 millones de miembros en el Estado de Nueva York y una subsidiaria de propiedad total de Centene Corporation, anunció la distribución de $315,000 en subvenciones a 20 organizaciones que se dedican a combatir la inseguridad alimentaria y a mitigar el hambre en todo el Estado. La inseguridad alimentaria afecta aproximadamente uno de diez hogares en Nueva York.
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