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Fidelis Care обслуживает более 1,7 миллиона детей и взрослых всех возрастов, что делает нас одним из крупнейших планов медицинского страхования в штате Нью-Йорк. Мы были основаны на убеждении, что все жители Нью-Йорка должны иметь доступ к качественному и доступному медицинскому страхованию, и наша миссия помогать другим лежит в основе всего, что мы делаем. 

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Fidelis Care Authorization Grids Effective June 1, 2024
30.04.2024 • Posted by Provider Relations in Provider News

The following sections of the Fidelis Care authorization grids have been updated effective June 1, 2024.


The following codes have been added on the Medicaid, Medicare, Essential Plan, and Metal-Level Products Authorization Grids and require prior authorization:

J0209    sodium thiosulfate (Hope)

J1434    fosaprepitant (Focinvez)


The following codes have been added to the Medicaid DME Authorization Grid and require prior authorization:

E0468     Home ventilator, dual-function respiratory device, also performs additional function of cough stimulation, includes all accessories, components and supplies for all functions

E2298     Complex rehabilitative power wheelchair accessory, power seat elevation system, any type

K1037     Docking station for use with oral device/appliance used to reduce upper airway collapsibility

L5783     Addition to lower extremity, user adjustable, mechanical, residual limb volume management system

L5841     Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, polycentric, pneumatic swing, and stance phase control                              


The following code has been removed from the Medicaid DME Authorization Grid and does not require prior authorization effective 4/1/24:

E2300    (Wheelchair accessory, power seat elevation system, any type)


Visit:  Authorization Grids

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