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9/9/2020 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Children's Health, Health and Wellness
With the new school year about to start, parents can help their children stay healthy and strong. In a school year in which children will be learning in person, remotely, or through a blended model because of COVID-19, here are some important topics to keep in mind: 1. Annual checkup: During an annual checkup, a pediatrician can help detect health problems early, when they are easiest to treat. Even during the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s important for your child to keep having regular checkups, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Now is a good time to call your child’s
7/27/2020 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Health and Wellness, In The Community
Desde videos y folletos para niños, hasta seminarios web para padres y consejos y orientación de profesionales de la salud y la educación, Todos los Niños Sanos reunirá herramientas y apoyo útiles, accesibles desde los sitios web de la PTA de Nueva York y Fidelis Care, así como en redes sociales medios de comunicación...
7/24/2020 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Caregiver Support, Children's Health, Health and Wellness, In The Community
Según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC), las vacunas infantiles han disminuido drásticamente durante el brote de COVID-19 ...
5/18/2020 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Health and Wellness, In The Community, Women's Health
Mantenerse saludable y bien es una de las cosas más importantes que las mujeres pueden hacer por sí mismas y por sus seres queridos, especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID-19.
4/21/2020 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Broker, Health and Wellness, Health Insurance Basics, In The Community
Según la New York State Health Foundation, aproximadamente la mitad de los neoyorquinos obtiene su seguro médico mediante su empleador, por lo que, para muchos, quedar sin empleo conlleva una incertidumbre acerca de cómo abordar opciones de cobertura médica convenientes.
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