
Find Your Designated Fidelis Care Provider Relations Specialist
4/11/2024 • Posted by Provider Relations

The Fidelis Care Provider Relations Department is committed to building strong and lasting relationships with our providers and their staff.  To foster this partnership, we have assigned a Provider Relations Specialist to communicate important information and provide support to our providers.

Please be sure to reference our Contact Your Designated Provider Relations Specialist web page if you do not know the name of the specialist assigned to your provider group.  To note, there are times that we adjust territory assignments to better serve our providers, so it is important to periodically verify your assigned specialist.

If you are unable to determine the identity of your Specialist, please email the mailbox, and a Provider Relations team member will connect you with your dedicated Specialist.

Thank you for partnering with Fidelis Care and we look forward to supporting you and your staff!



Media Inquiries

General media inquiries should be e-mailed directly to Please include your full name, affiliation, detailed request, and deadline.

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