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Fidelis Care and Erie County Department of Health Remind Parents to Schedule Well Child Visits
7/26/2023 • Posted by Fidelis Care in Children's Health, Health and Wellness, Immunizations

Doctor examing child
Fidelis Care and the Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) have partnered to encourage parents and caregivers to schedule well child visits and keep their children up to date with required immunizations ahead of the 2023-24 school year.

“One of the best ways parents and guardians can help keep children healthy is by taking them to their pediatrician for their annual exam,” said pediatrician Dr. Lisa Moreno, Fidelis Care Medical Director. “Annual well visits allow pediatricians to closely monitor children’s overall health and development from birth to adolescence. Through regular physical examinations, vaccinations, and screenings, pediatricians can address concerns and ensure children’s best chance for a healthy future.”

Well child visits can vary based upon a child’s age and healthcare needs. A typical well child visit includes a physical examination, developmental assessment, vision and hearing screening, and immunizations.

“Well child visits are an important way for pediatricians to check on a child’s physical development, and to address any parents’ and caregivers’ concerns about their child’s growth and what to expect,” said Erie County Commissioner of Health Dr. Gale Burstein. “Diseases like measles, mumps, polio, and chickenpox used to quite frequently cause severe disease, lifelong complications, and even death. These are now very rarely seen – all because of widespread, safe, and effective immunization campaigns that have prevented illness in generations of children and their families.”

New York State requires certain immunizations for school attendance. Children who do not have required immunizations may miss school or daycare, causing a loss of learning time and disruptions to family schedules. Children who miss vaccines can also be at risk for illnesses and can put others in their household at risk.

Children’s annual well visits are covered for Fidelis Care members. To learn more about Child Health Plus and other health insurance options for children, visit or call 1-888-FIDELIS (1-888-343-3547), TTY: 711.

More resources:

Fidelis Care Preventive Health Services
Fidelis Care Immunization Resources
Shop for a Health Insurance Plan
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Why immunize your child?
AAP, Vaccine Safety: Get the Facts    
AAP, Vaccine Safety: Examine the Evidence 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Diseases and the Vaccines that Prevent Them


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